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September 28, 2004

Teaching the Election

Many of my regular readers may know that I'm teaching my freshman composition class using an election theme. The classes seem to be going well--lots of great conversations, and many of the students in my classes are asking good questions, raising valuable concerns, and doing lots of independent reading on the election.

All that being said, this should be an exciting week for my students. On Wednesday night, my students will attend a talk by Vince Keenan, the founder of Publius.org, about electronic democracy (Chris linked to the announcement and map several weeks ago). Should be a rewarding lecture, and it's open to the public, so I encourage all Atlanta bloggers to show up.

Thursday, my colleague and I will combine our classes for a discussion of youth voting led by Vince. My students and I have already begun talking about various debates about voting, so combining the classes should make for an interesting discussion. Then on Thursday evening, our classes will be watching the debates together, followed by a discussion before student (and teacher) perceptions are affected by the post-debate spinners. All of these activities should be very cool. I'm looking forward to hearing Vince, and I think it will be interesting to watch the debates with such a large group of people.

Then, I'm going to take a deep breath and start doing some heavy-duty writing.

Posted by chuck at September 28, 2004 10:36 PM

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Wow, sounds great, Chuck!

Posted by: George at September 29, 2004 7:51 AM

Are you going to any debate parties on Thursday? There are quite a few in the Decatur/Avondale area and I'm thinking of going to one. Unfortunately there's no way to tell how many RSVPs have been received at each party :(

Posted by: Chris Martin at September 29, 2004 2:53 PM

I'll be watching the first debate with my students and leading a discussion of the debeate immediately afterwards. I may try to attend one of the later debate parties and I'm hoping to catch election results at Manuel's or some other appropriate venue.

Posted by: chuck at September 29, 2004 3:01 PM

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