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September 27, 2004

Blogging and Journalism

Andrew Cline and Jay Manifold have recently announced a cool new concept (and I'd say that, even if I wasn't participating), 411blog.net, a blog designed to cultivate the relationship between the blogosphere and more traditional media. Cline and Manifold write:

Reporters can use it to quickly authenticate highly technical or specialized story elements with subject-matter experts (SMEs) drawn from the best the blogosphere has to offer, including academics, business people, scientists, and lay experts of all kinds.

Bloggers can use 411blog.net to nominate subject-matter experts, build trust with traditional media, and increase their standing in the blogosphere.

I'm excited about this project in part because I think it's a great way to increase conversation, not only between bloggers and traditional media, but also between academics and non-academics, a topic George has been discussing for some time now. I encourage everyone to check out Andrew and Jay's announcement and to consider nominating some of your fellow bloggers for this cool new project.

Posted by chuck at September 27, 2004 9:52 AM

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