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September 29, 2004
More Documentary Buzz
Jonathan Caoette's Tarnation continues to get good buzz from Back Row Manifesto and from Eugene Hernandez. So, if the film gods are listening, please bring this movie to Atlanta soon.
Meanwhile, Steve Rosenbaum has a blog entry, "Media 'Balance" and Docs," which discusses the popularity of F9/11, Outfoxed, and other docs that criticize contemporary media, before mentioning the new George Butler documentary on the early days of John Kerry's career, Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry. Rosenberg speculates thatThis will be interesting - because Vietnam isn't the kind of topic that brings people out to the theatres... but this is an opportunity to cast a vote with a $10 movie ticket... should be interesting... maybe even a surprise if it exceeds expectations...
I'm actually inclined to believe that the Vietnam stuff could have the opposite effect, bringing audiences into the theaters. After all, the news media hasn't been able to stop talking about Vietnam for months (the Swift Boat stuff finally seems to have faded), and I think people are generally interested in that era of American politics.
Posted by chuck at September 29, 2004 4:02 PM
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