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August 19, 2005

Visible Evidence Links

Yeah, I know I'm hopping on a plane in just over 35 hours, but while doing a convoluted Google search, I came across a few links I don't want to lose. The first is a Green Cine interview with Gunner Palace co-director Michael Tucker that looks really promising. In particular, Tucker's comments about his political biases:

"I don't even know what my bias is anymore," says Tucker. "My bias has completely changed. I think that sometimes I sound like a raving right-wing lunatic and other times I sound like a raving socialist or something. But I'm trying to make something that's honest. And soldiers have a huge hang-up about it. All they want is for someone to tell the truth. Not embellish it."
David's interview also provides some useful background information regarding how Tucker became involved in making the film and how he became embedded with this particular military unit.

I found the link to this interview via an incredibly fascinating blog, Camera/Iraq, that focuses on "the war of images in the Middle East." The blog is a project of the Cinema and Media Studies Department at Carleton College.

Finally (for now), I'll use this Cinemocracy blog entry to bookmark the debate about Gunner Palace's PG-13 rating. People who followed teh story may remember that Tucker's film initially received an R rating, due to the profanity, but the rating was changed to PG-13 on appeal. Of course what makes this story so frustrating is that the film's portrayal of (actual, sometimes brutal) violence was less of a problem for the MPAA than the language. I absoultely do not think teenagers should have been prevented from seeing the film, but Gunner Palace's ratings battles illustrate just how arbitrary misguided the ratings system can be.

Update: Just another self-reminder to go back to Ken Tucker's total misreading of Gunner Palace, as well as some other links I'd like to have nearby.

Posted by chuck at August 19, 2005 11:28 PM

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