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March 23, 2005

Documentary Jones

So, yeah, I've been out of the blog loop lately, but the good news is that I have been very productive this week, getting lots of writing done. I've also had a little time to satisfy my documentary jones, watching Alan Berliner's 1996 documentary, Nobody's Business, which I really liked. In fact, watching Berliner's earlier film has led me to reconsider my earlier, fairly dismissive review of Metallica: Some Kind of Monster. Nobody's Business focuses on Berliner's mildly combative relationship with his father who persistently deflects his son's questions during their interviews, telling him, "Nobody cares about this." Gradually the son does get his father to asnwer a few questions, using their relationship to explore his father's complicated relationship with previous generations.

I also finally watched Su Friedrich's 1990 Sink or Swim, a powerful auto-documentary in black-and-white that evokes her family's history through 26 segments titled with a letter of the alphabet running in reverse order. This is another very cool doc, one that uses autobiography to reflect on the complications of father-daughter relationships.

Now I'm off to see Inside Deep Throat, my first trip to the cinema in way too long, at least ten days or so.

Posted by chuck at March 23, 2005 7:42 PM

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