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March 21, 2005

Springtime in the 21st Century

A few major signs that spring has finally arrived. My entry in at least one March Madness pool is in last place. My students' research papers will be due in a few short days. My allergies are starting to go haywire. And, of course, I'm getting (already deleted) comment spam from Claritin.

I'm on Spring Break this week, which means I've had some time to get some writing done, which is a nice feeling. This is also the first time I've slept past 7:09 AM on a Monday since January, also a nice feeling.

Posted by chuck at March 21, 2005 11:21 PM

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Believe it or not, even being in last place right now, you're not totally out of it yet. You need a little help from about three players though.

Posted by: Rusty at March 22, 2005 8:11 AM

Yeah, I know I'm not quite out of it yet (in fact my "possible points" total appears relatively high), but I have to have almost improbable good luck the rest of the way. Not that I'm really worried at this point. I'd almost rather see a few more earth-shattering upsets (UWM over Illinois, for example) than win the pool at this point.

Posted by: Chuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 22, 2005 10:46 AM

I can't believe that I'm sticking around in the top 5... I thought for sure everything was blown to hell in my brackets...

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need all remaining 3 teams that I have in the Final Four to get there if I have a chance, though...

Posted by: Dylan at March 23, 2005 2:55 PM

I knew this would be a bad year for me. I haven't really been paying attention to college basketball. Now I wish I'd just played it totally arbitrary, making my picks based on mascots or school colors or something.

Posted by: Chuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 23, 2005 7:19 PM

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