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April 18, 2004
Tuition Hikes
Short Attention Span Sunday continues at the chutry experiment. I just learned from the Atlanta Desk that Georgia's four major research universities have all petitioned the Board of Regents to raise tuition by as much as 10% this year. University budgets are already clearly tapped out. According to the article, UGA and Georgia Tech have already laid off some employees, while other staff members do the work of two or three people. These increases are not just affecting research universities; community colleges have also requested tuition hikes.
These tuition hikes will also have the effect of endangering the already imperiled HOPE scholarship program (instituted by former governor Zell Miller before he launched his second career as a cultural critic). Of course we got a nice, shiny tax cut to play with, so I probably shouldn't complain.
Posted by chuck at April 18, 2004 11:14 PM
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Ya, I just heard from a student that tuition at my school is going up $1000 next year. That makes the $600 she got from tax cuts all worth it.
Posted by: B. at April 23, 2004 12:46 PM