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May 2, 2007
Wednesday Afternoon Links
What I've been reading and looking at instead of grading student papers:
- I've lost the source, but here are a few photos tagged "MIT5" from last weekend's Media in Transition conference. I can't find myself in any of the photos, which is a good thing because I have an aversion to being photographed, but David did take a few photos of the audience for our panel.
- I think I somehow missed Kim Middleton's post on MIT 5. Sam Ford's posts from the Convergence Culture Consortium are also worth checking out.
- On a related note, Karina has a follow-up to her New TeeVee column on movie mashups by women, a point I addressed in my MIT 5 paper. Karina did find the interesting looking film review series, Girls on Film. More on that tonight when I've had time to watch a couple of episodes (or at least feel less guilty about not grading).
- Anne Thompson cites a USA Today article arguing that comedy shorts are the "killer app" of the online video world.
- Also worth noting: Lost Remote points to a Wired article reporting that the US Army has ordered soldiers not to post to personal blogs or send emails without clearing the content with a superior. Failure to comply could result in a court-martial among other penalties. Soldiers' blogs and writings have provided me with an important perspective on the war, and I'd hate for that to be taken away.
Posted by chuck at May 2, 2007 3:24 PM
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