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March 12, 2007

Lazy Post-SCMS Blogging

Still recovering from SCMS, but here are some links I don't want to lose:

According to my count, this is my fifth SCMS conference--somehow it feels like more--and like Michael, I can't help but respond to the conference's tremendous growth over the last decade. This growth speaks to the continued relevance of film and media, and I'm happy to see the conference become a much larger tent, welcoming panels on television, music, radio, and digital media. I don't really have time to blog specific panels, but the conference was a rewarding one.

Update: Via GreenCine, Joe Swanberg and Kris Williams's Nerve video series Young American Bodies is entering its second season. I was a big fan of the first season, and the first video of the second season looks promising. GreenCine also has a video interview with Swanberg.

Update 2: GreenCine also has a report from Austin about Austin native Richard Linklater's SXSW conversation with John Pierson.

Posted by chuck at March 12, 2007 6:28 PM

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