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February 24, 2007
Sunstein on Wikipedia
I've already mentioned this in the comments section to Jason's MediaCommons blog post, but wanted to mention Cass Sunstein's Washington Post editorial on Wikipedia here as well.
Sunstein describes Wikipedia as "one of many experiments in aggregating knowledge and creativity, that have been made possible by new technologies." He also notes that Wikipedia is now cited four times as often as Encyclopedia Britannica in judicial opinions, but I think his definition of Wikipedia is perhaps more useful in illustrating how the site functions for me.
Update: Not related at all, but I also wanted to mention the interesting Washington Post article on Al Gore and the Oscar buzz surrounding An Inconvenient Truth. As I've said elsewhere, Gore's presence in the film is so magnetic, it's easy to forget David Guggenheim's excellent work in making a well-crafted documentary, but Gore is obviously the biggest star here, even if I think the speculation that he's planning a presidential run is probably wrong.
Posted by chuck at February 24, 2007 11:20 AM
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