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December 18, 2006
Blogging in the Burbs
I'm back in Atlanta for a few days where I'm visiting my parents for the holidays. Because they have a 56k modem, blogging may be light to nonexistent until I fly up to Philly for a brief cameo at MLA. While it's nice to be back in Atlanta, which is more or less home for me, I inevitably think about change and loss every time I revisit a place where I've spent a significant chunk of my life. For example, I was saddened to learn that one of my favorite movie theaters, the Garden Hills Cinema, just below Buckhead, closed in October. Garden Hills is where I first discovered Kevin Smith, caught Winged Migration on a date that I remember rather fondly, and watched dozens of other films when I began making the transition to studying film rather than literature, so I hate to see that it's closed.
There are some other nice things about being in Atlanta. I still look forward to listening to Album 88, Georgia State University's excellent radio station, so much so that I found msyelf trying to tune it in every couple of miles as I drove into the city yesterday afternoon. And, of course, parents who take you out for a sushi dinner just hours after you've made a long, exhausting drive home are pretty cool, too.
Posted by chuck at December 18, 2006 1:17 PM
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Have a good time at home, Chuck. My best to your family...
Posted by: Chris at December 18, 2006 2:41 PM
Hey, Chris. Thanks, and please send my best to your family as well.
Posted by: Chuck at December 18, 2006 9:58 PM
Funny. Winged Migrations was also a great movie date for me.
I was asked by a friend to give her friend a tour of NYC (at the time I was living there). During the day-long tour, we hit it off. But I wasn't sure she liked me like that.
The next night, we went to see Winged Migrations. The theater was cold and all she had on was a frilly little top. She cupped her hands in my armpit. The movie felt like a blur because all I could think about was her hand, her head resting on my shoulder, our legs grazing. We kissed for the first time later that night. The kissing hasn't stopped. I have married that woman and I can honestly say "we have lived happily ever after." Three years this past september.
Posted by: Ajit at December 18, 2006 11:47 PM
Welcome back to Atlanta. I didn't know that Garden Hills closed. Plaza officially closed but they're now open again under new management.
Posted by: Chris M at December 19, 2006 10:23 AM
Ajit, my date story isn't nearly that nice. That's really fantastic.
Chris M, I just happened to notice that GH wasn't listed in the newspaper when I was looking for art house movies that haven't made it to Fayetteville. I think I heard about the Plaza a few months ago while reading the AJC. Glad to see that it's re-opened.
Posted by: Chuck at December 19, 2006 10:42 AM
I was asked by a friend to give her friend a tour of NYC (at the time I was living there). During the day-long tour, we hit it off. But I wasn't sure she liked me like that.
Posted by: Deniel at December 28, 2006 3:27 PM