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August 8, 2006
Media That Matters Revisited
I'm a little behind on this topic, but I happened to catch a report on CNN this morning about the Media That Matters Film Festival, which features short videos on a variety of important social and political topics (I had hoped to catch the festival when it played in DC). According to the festival website, the Media That Matters Film Festival presents a new collection of short videos every June (most run between five and ten minutes). The video featured on CNN, Kiri Davis's "A Girl Like Me," replicates a famous experiment from the 1950s in which African-American girls overwhelmingly showed a preference for white dolls over black ones, and as we see in the video these reactions have changed little, at least in Davis's Harlem neighborhood. Davis was also profiled in the New York Daily News. My internet service at home has been haphazard, so I've only seen bits and pieces of Davis's film, but the sequence featured on CNN was incredibly powerful.
Posted by chuck at August 8, 2006 11:32 AM
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