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July 27, 2006
Thursday Morning Film Notes
Just wanted to put up a couple of pointers to some film articles that I don't want to lose. I'm working on a couple of other projects right now, so I won't be able to write in detail about them. First, the news from indieWire that Jesus Camp, the documentary about an evangelical camp for kids, will be distributed by Magnolia Pictures, which plans a marketing campaign designed to attract both evangelicals and the typically "liberal" documentary and art house audiences. After seeing the film at Silverdocs and admiring it quite a bit, I'll be curious to see how wider audiences respond to the film. Of course my take on the film is somewhat unusual in that I read the film less as a commentary on the politics of evangelical culture--which is certainly a major concern in Jesus Camp--and more as a fascinating exploration of how children learn to inhabit their world.
Somewhat unrelated to Jesus Camp: the trailer to Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain, which looks visually stunning and appears to be a thoughtful exploration of many of the desires associated with time travel, particularly the desires for power and immortality, with the film's narrative spanning from Spain's exploration of the Americas in 1500 well into the future. I'm really looking forward to seeing this one.
Finally, GreenCine Daily has been running a cool series of "summertime questions" for various filmmakers, cinephiles, and film bloggers, most recently Susan Gerhard. I'm enjoying both the questions and the responses quite a bit and really like the format (sort of like a one question interview), which fits the film blog format very well.
Posted by chuck at July 27, 2006 10:41 AM
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