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June 18, 2006
Sunday Morning Reading
I'll write about Silverdocs Saturday tomorrow morning (I only managed to attend two films, B.I.K.E. and Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple), but wanted to mention Shooting War, Anthony Lappe and Dan Goldman's online graphic novel about a reporter covering the war in Iraq in the year 2011, after it has been raging for eight years. I've only looked at the first few panels, but it looks like compelling reading. More on the docs tomorrow, and I've managed to obtain tickets for three films tomorrow, including Walking to Werner and Road to Guantanamo, so I'll have plenty to write about the next few days. Not that I have anything else to do (I only move in eleven days). Thanks to Steve's POV for the tip.
Posted by chuck at June 18, 2006 1:52 AM
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