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June 10, 2006
Lazy Saturday Coffee Links
Quick Saturday morning coffee links: I just came across a an academic group blog focusing on film and media studies issues, Dr. Mabuse's Kaleido-Scope. Lots of good posts on teaching film studies and related topics.
Via GreenCine: Anne Thompson has a useful primer on the use of MySpace in "personalized participatory grassroots marketing." I think she's probably right that it's difficult to measure the effect of these grassroots campaigns on theatrical attendance, although similar (non-MySpace) grassroots campaigns for the upcoming Snakes on a Plane should be quite successful, but the jury's still out on that. The article culminates in an interesting discussion of how various websites have been used to promote some Hollywood and indie films, noting that the MySpace page for the film version of Strangers with Candy struggled to accumulate 500 friends while its YouTube trailer quickly scored over 200,000 views (related: a Wired News article on fan sites devoted to the Whedonverse, the alternate reality where Joss Whedon's films and TV shows, including Buffy and Firefly, take place..
Also worth watching: Kimberly Peirce, who directed the amazing Boys Don't Cry, has plans to make an Iraq War drama, Stop-Loss. with Ryan Phillippe slated to star.
Just came across the new-to-me online film journal, 24LiesaSecond, which is edited by James Moran, who wrote There's No Place Like Home Video, one of my favorite recent books, a really great read on the topic of home video (I liked the book so much that I taught it last fall in my junior seminar).
BTW, I caught the Quotidian Theater's production of Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune last night. Looks like its playing for a few more nights, so I'd recommend checking it out if you're in the DC area. The play is almost nothing like the Pacino-Pfieffer film adaptation, which terrence McNally adapted from his play, but the play itself, which takes place entirely in Frankie's bedroom probably wouldn't have worked as a film.
Posted by chuck at June 10, 2006 11:00 AM
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