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April 18, 2006

My Tuesday Procrastination Reading

Whenever I write on new media, i find myself getting easily sidetracked. For example, I'll go to Robert Greewald's blog to refresh my memory on the excellent political work done through his unique documentary distribution strategies and will find myself redirected to Don Hazen's Alternet article on progressive politics and new media. I don't have time to discuss Hazen's article in detail, but he makes a strong case for explaining how new media technologies should be used to promote progressive politics. Hazen also points to important projects such as New American Media, which focuses on sustaining and developing journalism for "51 million ethnic Americans, 150 languages, and 2,000 ethnic media outlets."

I've also been planning to link to A. Horbal's "Alt-Weekly TV" for several days now, and because TV Turn-Off Week is fast approaching, now seems to be as good a time as any. In particular, I found David Edelstein's call for good TV critics to be rather compelling. Of course there is already some outstanding TV criticism being done at Flow and Pop Matters, but I think he's right that we need to think about TV more carefully, (I remain unconvinced that activties like TV Turn-Off Week are the best way to engage with TV), but perhaps more to the point, I'm not sure that TV criticism works best when engaging with TV at the level of an indvidual show or episode (and Edelstein is right to note that in some contexts, TV can be a "genuinely liberating force").

Posted by chuck at April 18, 2006 2:49 PM

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