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March 13, 2006

Monday Film Notes

I had a few minutes between classes and have been meaning to mention the good news about the screening of Tara Wray's Manhattan, Kansas at SXSW last week. David Hudson has a review of the film and a link to Wray's short story, which describes the film's main subject: Wray's complicated relationship with her mother. I've been following the progress of Wray's film for about a year now, so it's nice to see her film receiving an audience (and I can't wait to see the film myself).

I also wanted to complain about a dissapointingly bad review of Alex Karpovsky's The Hole Story by Stephen Hunter in The Washington Post. I'm finding that Karpovsky's film is rather infectious and that I'll fondly remember it for some time. While Hunter catches Karpovsky's cinematic influences, especially McElwee and Brooks (other than Karpovsky appearing onscreen, I don't see the Michael Moore connection at all), he misses the director's matter-of-fact humor and the film's playful existential touches. I often complain about the reviews in the Post, but Karpovsky is an impressive talent, and I'd hate for this excellent film not to find an audience.

Posted by chuck at March 13, 2006 10:46 AM

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