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November 10, 2005

Time Travel Linkfest

Just collecting some links on a slew of upcoming time-travel films. First, in their Cool Kids update, IFC blog reports that Michel Gondry, of Eternal Susnhine, fame has two time-travel projects planned. One is a comedy, Master of Space and Time, based on a Rudy Rucker novel. Here's hoping my Jack Black allergy has worn off by then. The second has an "autobiographical" element with Gondry and members of his old band meeting future versions of themselves (the IFC folks also mention future plans for Miranda July, David Gordon Green, and others).

Filmmaker Magazine has the latest on Darren (Requiem for a Dream) Aronofsky's The Fountain, including a link to an Internet teaser.

I've also stumbled into the news that Adam Sandler will be doing a little time travel in Click. According to the folks at Hollywood Rag, Sandler plays a workaholic (presumably working against type) who comes across a remote control that allows him to rewind and fast-forward to key moments in his life. But, then, things go horribly wrong. And I'm guessing that Sandler learns a lesson.

Posted by chuck at November 10, 2005 12:19 AM

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