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August 10, 2005
Experimental Film Anthologies
Chris and Nick both mention the good news that two major collections of American and European avant-garde and experimental films are hitting DVD in the near future. Kino has just released a 2 DVD collection, and Unseen Cinema has a 6 DVD set, apparently due for an October release. Among the highlights: Ferdinand Leger's Ballet mecanique, which I used to teach at the University of Illinois.
I should really be working on conference papers, syllabi, and articles, but just wanted to mention these anthologies, both of which look very cool. Chris's descriptions also make Dmitri Kirsanoff's Ménilmontant and Jean Epstein's La Glace à Trois Faces/Three-Way Mirror sound particularly interesting.
Posted by chuck at August 10, 2005 4:23 PM
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they do look cool but i would much prefer collections of NEW experimental film over the stuff i saw a hundred times in grad school...
Posted by: cynthia at August 11, 2005 11:20 PM
Good point. Of course, I'm probably thining about them as teaching tools. You know, so I can subject my students to these same films....
Posted by: Chuck at August 11, 2005 11:27 PM