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April 28, 2005
The Spectacle is Not a Collection of Images...
Cinematical reports the very cool news that Anthology Film Archives is launching a Situationist film series: "Films of the Situationist International: Guy Debord, Rene Vienet and Jean Isidore Isou starts tonight with The Society of the Spectacle, Debord's movement-launching cinematic adaptation of his own manifesto of the same title."
As Karina Longworth reports, Debord's film introduces his concept of détournement, the process of taking media texts and re-working them until they criticize themselves. And while I've recently been critical of some of the Situationist principles, I'd imagine these films would still be fascinating to watch, so here's hoping they'll make it out of New York at some point in the near future (Anthology Film Archive schedule).
Posted by chuck at April 28, 2005 2:31 PM
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