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March 6, 2005

Jonathan Rosenbaum on Jem Cohen

Also via the very cool Documentary Film Weblog, Jonathan Rosenbaum reviews experimental documentary filmmaker Jem Cohen's Chain (IMDB), which offers "a strange mix of documentary and fiction about malls and similar commercial spaces." Cohen's "meditative" approach seems comparable to the work of Chris Marker, a debt Cohen himself recognizes in dedicating Chain to Marker and filmmaker Humphrey Jennings. Cohen has also done documentaries on/with Fugazi and Elliott Smith. Definitely worth checking out: Cohen's Benjamin Smoke, which focuses on one of the great performers to come out of Atlanta's music scene.

Update (3/9): "Chain Reaction," an interview with Jem Cohen in Cinemascope (via Mind the__GAP*?).

Posted by chuck at March 6, 2005 4:51 PM

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