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February 24, 2005

Weekend Movie Happenings

Three (really) independent film events this weekend here in Hotlanta. Friday night at the Eyedrum, Film Love 3 will be playing at the Eyedrum. Film Love 3 presents short films made and released in the 1960s that depict African-American experiences during that decade.

Next, Franklin Lopez's independent media group, subMedia, will be clebrating their 10th anniversary with a a party at Eyedrum, this Saturday, starting at 8 PM. The party will feature a punk band from El Salvador, fire juggling, and indie films by Eyekiss and POPfilms.

Or you might also check out the latest installment of the Dailies Project, Losing Control, playing at Decatur's Push Push Theater, a series of short film collaborations between local filmmakers and theater artists.

Posted by chuck at February 24, 2005 9:47 PM

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