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January 25, 2005

Paul Giamatti Was Robbed

I don't really take the Oscar nominations very seriously, but after Paul Giamatti won pretty much every acting award given out in 2003, you'd think that he would have at least been nominated for an Oscar for acting in Sideways. After all, his performance was one of the things I liked best about what I found to be an overrated film (by the way, with Giamatti not getting a nod, I'd imagine that Sideways probably will not win in the best pic race--just a hunch). Hasn't Giamatti been overlooked a few times before (Man on the Moon, American Splendor)?

In other news, how did Taylor Hackford get nominated for an Academy Award for Ray? And it looks like the road is being cleaered for Marty Scorsese to finally get his statue for best director. I'll make some predictions later, maybe (I'd propose an Oscar pool, but I'm not sure I'll have time to organize it). By the way, can anyone tell me how Before Sunset is an "adapted screenply?" Is it adapted simply because it's based on characters from a prior film? Very happy it got at least one nomination, but the category is a bit odd.

Leaving town (and blog) for a few days, so expect continued limited posting.

Posted by chuck at January 25, 2005 11:43 AM

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Hope you have a really great trip!

Posted by: Scrivener [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 27, 2005 11:05 AM

I'll give you the trip update IRL on Monday....

Posted by: Chuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 29, 2005 6:00 PM

I just watched Sideways, and found it to be a pleasant film with good characters and performances. Funny as hell at times. I'm not quite sure if it really deserves a Best Picture nod though. I think Jamie Foxx probably deserves a Best Actor nod for Ray, but the film as a whole was a mess and doesn't need to be in that category. I prefer Million Dollar Baby to either of the aforementioned films, but haven't seen Finding Neverland or The Aviator (or Before Sunset... or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... or, well, you get the point...).

Posted by: rusty at February 6, 2005 2:55 PM

Haven't seen Ray, but I've heard the direction is muddled. I think Hackford's nomination may be a version of a lifetime service award, not a real statement of support for the direction in that film. Foxx should win for one of the two categories, although I'd prefer to see Cheadle win for best actor. All of these comments assume that the Oscars really matter....

Still haven't seen Million Dollar Baby, and though I've heard mixed reviews, I'd like to see that and The Aviator on the big screen, but I've been trying to see as much independent stuff (like Moolaade) as possible on the big screen. I may not have that luxury in the near future.

Posted by: Chuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 6, 2005 3:26 PM


I think that both Paul Giamatti (actor) and Rolfe Kent (score) deserved nomination.... a pity!!!

Posted by: Sergio Hardasmal at February 18, 2005 5:54 PM

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