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November 9, 2004

Two or Three Blogs about Georgia Politics

It appears that the post-election malaise may be turning rather quickly into action for several of my local comrades. Russell has dispensed with his pirate-themed blog and re-emerged with Radical Georgia Moderate. Andrea is producing Ten House Seats, a blog supporting a PAC that will focus on supporting Democrats in ten house races that will (or should be) extremely close in 2006. I've already mentioned Steve's new blog, Distance, but it bears mentioning again. It's great to see so many people getting up, dusting themselves off, and moving on.

Posted by chuck at November 9, 2004 10:39 PM

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Thanks for the shout out, Chuck. It's weird to go by Russell again now that my pirate blog is dead. Will you be at the Nov. 20 PAC meeting?

Posted by: Russell at November 10, 2004 1:09 AM

Nope, I'll be in NY for a wedding, but hopefully I'll be able to attend meetings in the future.

Posted by: chuck at November 10, 2004 1:24 AM

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