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August 13, 2004
A Day in the Life
I'm starting to feel the pressure of fall semester (I start teaching on Tuesday), so blogging may vary over the next few days. Here are a few topics that I'd planned to write about that never quite became full blog entries:
- School's Out: I'm looking forward to my annual Dazed and Confused screening. Every year after the first day of class, I watch Richard Linklater's film about the last day of school. I'm not sure why I picked up this habit (after all, I like teaching), but I've had this ritual for several years now.
- I've Got the Power: Steven Shaviro's review of Bruce Almighty effectively captures my reaction to Jim Carrey's most recent "pop" film. The film should have been far more self-indulgent when Bruce had divine powers rather than falling into cheap special effects, and I'd argue that the film itself encourages us to ignore the final moralizing closure sequence, which comes across as an almost completely cynical adaptation of Hollywood formula.
- Sex With Republicans: Both Jen of Good Intentions and Elizabeth Carmody mentioned Fuck the Vote, a website that, as Elizabeth puts it, works "to defeat George Bush by offering sex to Republicans who promise to abstain from voting in the election." I promise to refrain from any "swing state" puns.
- Movie Night: I'm planning to see Garden State tonight, but George's recommendation of the Metallica movie sounds promising (even though I don't share his unironic love for Lynyrd Skynyrd).
Posted by chuck at August 13, 2004 1:34 PM
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While we're on the topic of the f word, you might enjoy this list of books that can allegedly induce a mindf*ck:
Personally, I think the list is too long. Less would have been more. And I certainly don't see why books like The Fountainhead, The God of Small Things, The Catcher in the Rye, and A Tale of Two Cities meet the mindf*ck standard.
Posted by: Chris Martin at August 13, 2004 5:34 PM
http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2004/08/13/notes081304.DTL&nl=fix is another article regarding sex and the vote that you might like.
Posted by: Cassie at August 13, 2004 7:56 PM
Chris, that is a very odd list. I haven't read The Fountainhead, but the others seem to hardly qualify, especially Catcher, a novel that I'll begrudgingly admit to liking.
Cassie, thanks for the tip on the article. The story has been fascinating to follow.
Posted by: chuck at August 14, 2004 12:15 PM
Few of those books speak mindf*ck to me. _House of Leaves_ and _Neuromancer_, but... I don't know. I think the list is, as mentioned, too long.
Posted by: Cassie at August 15, 2004 6:31 AM