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July 24, 2004

Atlanta Blog MeetUp

Can't sleep tonight. Too much caffiene too late at night perhaps. Or maybe watching a Billy Bob Thornton movie (IMDB) is giving me nightmares. At any rate, I'd forgotten to mention that I attended the Atlanta Blogger MeetUp on Wednesday night. Really interesting, diverse crowd. Titus Barik, a student here at Georgia Tech, has all the details.

Posted by chuck at July 24, 2004 2:39 AM

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That's interesting... I didn't even know there were Blogger MeetUps. Although, I guess I should've known since there's a MeetUp for everything else!

Posted by: Jen at July 24, 2004 5:05 PM

I learned about the Blogger MeetUps from a friend who attended the KC event. Otherwise I might not have known. It's interesting to scroll through the MeetUps in the Atlanta area (or in other cities) just to see the diverse groups that have organized using the MeetUp technology.

Posted by: chuck at July 25, 2004 10:42 AM

I had vaguely heard about blogger meet ups, but had no idea they were so common--or that one was going on a few miles from my house, with Brittain fellows in attendance, just a few days ago. Dang, wish I'd been there...

Posted by: David Morgen at July 26, 2004 5:00 PM

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