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July 16, 2004
Friday Top 6 List
In the spirit of Byron's Top 5 Updates, I give you my Top 6:
- I've been teaching Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing this week. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy DTRT, and it teaches well.
- Finally made it to The Tumultuous Fifties Exhibit at the High Museum this week. Many of the images were fairly familiar, but it's still well worth checking out if you live nearby.
- I've been watching a lot of classical Hollywood movies lately. In the last week, I've watched Out of the Past, Asphalt Jungle, and To Have and Have Not (screenplay by some guy named Faulkner). All highly recommended, especially Asphalt Jungle (love the gritty cinematography). Currently watching Rebel Without a Cause,
- I've also recently watched Gus Van Sant's Elephant (IMDB), which I found incredibly powerful. I'd resisted seeing the film because of the Cannes hype, but Van Sant builds tension beautifully. I was hoping to write a full review of the film, but probably won't get around to it.
- Finally, I found John Sayles' Casa de los Babys (IMDB) to be an impressive film, one of his best (and I really like Sayles). Very cool to see several very talented actresses over 30 playing such interesting characters.
- I'll be catching Outfoxed on Sunday at a MoveOn House Party, and I'm definitely planning to write a full review.
Posted by chuck at July 16, 2004 8:16 PM
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