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July 10, 2004
Democratic MeetUp 7/13
Just wanted to pass along some information about the upcoming Democratic MeetUp. This looks like a good opportunity to meet the Democratic candidates running for Zell Miller's Senate seat.
Next Tuesday is July's National Democrat Meetup Day, and tens of thousands of grassroots Democrats (who may or may not be members of local Democratic Parties) will be gathering in restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, etc. - just as we will be doing:
Tues., 7/13 at 7:00 p.m.
314 E. Howard Avenue, Decatur 30030
Our meetup will last only one hour (7-8), but you are welcome to have a bite to eat, a soft drink, latte, or ice cream, hang out and talk politics as long as you want.
This month is dedicated to the US Senate race to fill the seat Zell is vacating. We now have rsvp's from all 8 of the Democratic Candidates for this Meet & Greet - please be sure to be there and invite other Democrat-leaning friends to join us. This is your chance to decide first-hand which candidate you want to help with get-out-the-vote efforts for the July 20th primary. With this many people running for the Democratic nomination, there is likely be a run-off election on August 10th of the two highest vote getters. Next Tuesday evening will also prepare you to make a decision 7/21 on whomever those two end up being.
The US Senate Democratic candidates will be given the mike for 2-3 minutes each to make sure we collectively meet each of them. Also, while mixing and mingling during the meetup, you'll have the chance to talk, ask questions one-on-one. Georgia's US Senate seat is extremely important, and we want to get our strongest possible candidate to go up against the Republican in November. Please get excited about the things that will be happening between now and August 10th!
I don't think it's necessary to RSVP, but it might help the people who organize the event if you do. Here's a link to the Democratic MeetUp site.
Posted by chuck at July 10, 2004 11:30 AM
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Thanks to Linda for running a great meetup. The two female candidates were campaigning elsewhere, although Mary Squires has attended recently (she came in at the end of one a month or two (or three) ago. Haven't seen Majette at any grasroots events, except where she did a photo op but did not march in the healthcare march and rally (Woodruf park & Grady Hospital). When everyone else took to the streets, Majette & most of her supporters got into cars & drove off.
Posted by: Betty at July 18, 2004 12:45 AM