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June 13, 2004

Critical Art Ensemble Petition

Via GreenCine:

Steve Kurtz [...] teaches art at the State University of NYU in Buffalo and is also a member of the Critical Art Ensemble, a group that has been exploring the politics of biotechnology for some time now. When he woke up on May 11, Steve Kurtz discovered that his wife Hope had suffered a cardiac arrest and died in her sleep. He called 911. Long story short, the police suspected that the material and equipment they found in his apartment was being used for some sort of bioterrorist plot. Kurtz was held briefly, then allowed to return home, but the investigation is still in full force - in fact, instead of being called off once the obvious misunderstanding came to light, it has expanded to include other CAE members.
Here's a link to the CAE Defense Fund overview and a petition you can sign supporting CAE.

Posted by chuck at June 13, 2004 12:39 AM

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