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May 29, 2004
Political Wiki
The political bloggers at the Daily Kos have started a political wiki, dKosopedia. Typical entries focus on politcal parties, prevailing issues, key documents (Bill of Rights, etc), and reading polls. This will no doubt be a useful link for my election course this fall, but what I like most about the site is that it is a collaboratively-authored project that can use the wiki format to frame (in Lakoff's sense) pertinent political issues. Worth watching.
Posted by chuck at May 29, 2004 11:58 AM
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What's so cool about Wikis is they take on a life of their own as more people participate. Disinfopedia (http://www.disinfopedia.org/) is the best example I've seen of a project like this one working well. No telling how the Kos wiki will end up, but at the least, it will be interesting. I like how he described it as a "community-based think tank."
Posted by: Rusty at May 29, 2004 12:17 PM
The Kos wiki will be interesting to follow. I've been impressed by the enthusiasm of people contributing (measuring by the number of ntries, etc). I do think the framing language ("community-based think tank") the DKos "signature" may limit the discourse there somewhat, but (hopefully) in productive ways.
Posted by: chuck at May 31, 2004 11:33 AM
The openpolitics yahoo group is discussing the use of wikis in politics. Mostly summarizes the experience in the most advanced experiments, e.g. Green Party of Canada Living Platform, openpolitics.ca. sustainable nova scotia.
Posted by: Craig Hubley at June 11, 2005 4:17 PM
The open politics issue list is now quite interesting, including several hundred of the most interesting political issues, though from a Canadian perspective. Dkosopedia should have a similar list for the USA.
Posted by: elvis troll at March 8, 2006 6:53 PM