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May 3, 2004

Creative Loafing's History of Atlanta

While doing some random, procrastinatory surfing, I came across this article in Atlanta's alternative magazine, Creative Loafing, marking the magazine's 30th birthday. The article recounts the recent history of Atlanta's musical, political, and cultural scenes, including political scandals (how could anyone trust politicians named Swindoll and Skandalakis?). The article, which is a couple of years old, brought back a lot of memories. These lists, which often document buried "cultural artifacts" (stores, bars, and clubs that have closed down; bands that have broken up; annual events that no longer take place) always suggest to me an alternate history, another Atlanta that could have been.

From the same issue, check out this "Where are They Now?" article, which mentions former Atlanta Knights goalie, Manon Rheaume, the first female athlete to play in a major-league men's pro-sports game. When I was at a Gwinnett Gladiators minor-league hockey game the other night, someone was asking me what happened to her the other day--here's the answer.

Posted by chuck at May 3, 2004 11:50 PM

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