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April 25, 2004

Documenting the Presidency

I was chatting online with someone about my planned conference paper/article on Uncovered and MoveOn.org when I stubled on an interesting future project on documenting the president. For now, I'd prefer to focus on documentary films that represent specific Presidents, how their images were portrayed in and through film, but I may also investigate feature films, such as All the Presdinet's Men, which takes on the Nixon presidency (though Nixon barely appears as a character, if he does at all). The problem there is that I risk making the project too expnasive. Just the early stirrings of a possible future project for now.

h says:
i bet people will like the connections [in the MoveOn/Uncovered paper], though
h says:
especially in the election year that it is
chuck says:
i hope so....i think it's an interesting topic....yes, it's certainly timely
h says:
moveon has been in the news so much
chuck says:
maybe i'll think long term abt a book on documenting the presidency...
h says:
that could be a good project
chuck says:
the presidency idea just occurred to me, but i'm fascinated by it
chuck says:
a chapter on the mckinley/roosevelt stuff
chuck says:
followed by a later chapter on FDR maybe, Kennedy, and then something like The War Room [IMDB] abt Clinton
h says:
well, like i've mentioned, jonathan has an article on McKinley and film -- the first pres. candiadte to exploit the film media [previous discussion here]
chuck says:
right, that's what i was thinking abt
h says:
"front porch" campagin
chuck says:
w/digital media, the Bush presidency's iconic status has been weird...lots of independent stuff online [I had sites such as Eric Blumrich's BushFlash in mind here]
h says:
h says:
it gets stranger and stranger
Yep, it gets stranger all the time. It's still way too early for me to be thinking about this project, but I wanted to document this conversation as something to revisit when/if I still find it to be a viable project. Any suggestions?

Posted by chuck at April 25, 2004 4:26 PM

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