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March 14, 2004

Pieces of April

Pieces of April (IMDB) is an entertaining Thanksgiving family comedy, a film I really enjoyed watching. Patricia Clarkson's performance as Joy, a fortysomething mother dying of cancer, is wonderful, playing the role with just the right degree of bitterness, and Katie Holmes is impressive as her frenetic (and estranged) daughter, April.

The plot is relatively simple: it may be Joy's last Thanksgiving, and Joy's husband (played by Oliver Platt) seeks to help reconnect April and Joy by allowing April (who lives in a tiny NYC apartment) to cook the dinner, and the film builds tension effectively as the family approaches NYC while April struggles to make the meal, creating some nice physical comedy. The film's use of photography (including photographs that become freeze-frames, or freeze-frames that are revealed to be photos) was very effectively done--too tired to discuss it in much detail.

One warning: Do not watch this film while you are hungry.

Posted by chuck at March 14, 2004 2:38 AM

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