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January 14, 2004

A "Shack Up" Manifesto

A spectre is haunting married people--the spectre of unmarried, gay, and lesbian people. All the powers of heterosexuality have entered into an unholy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, Cheney and Ashcroft, the Traditional Values Coalition and Focus on the Family.

Where are the single people, gays, and lesbians in opposition? Who will these leaders prevent from getting married in order to honor traditional marriage? What single mothers will they "advise" to get married? Against whom must marriage be defended? It is high time that single people, gays, and lesbians should openly, in the face of every cable news station in the United States, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies and meet this nursery tale of the spectre of unmarried people with a Manfesto. To this end, unmarried people of various sexualities (including metrosexuality) have assembled in the blogsophere, and sketched the following Manifesto to be disseminated on the airwaves on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Will and Grace and by that guy on Survivor.

In the earlier epoch of the 1950s, we find almost everywhere, especially on Nick-at-Nite, an uncomplicated arrangement of society into suburban marriages, in which fathers went to work while mothers stayed at home and cooked dinner and cleaned the house. The modern society that has sprouted from the ruins of Woodstock, Stonewall, and the 1960s has not finished battling against heterosexual marriage. It has but established new families in place of the old ones, which can be very confusing for many people.

In short, unmarried people everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing order of marriage and family. Single people disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare their ends--the destruction of marriage as we know it--can be attained only by broadcasting televised images of single, gay, and lesbian people on commercial television. Let the married people tremble at a "single, gay, and lesbian" revolution. People who would be married have nothing to lose but their "ball-and-chain" (and some tax benefits). They have a huge deficit, exacerbated by harmful tax cuts that will mortgage our future* to gain.

Okay, I'm glad I got that off my chest.

* CBS, a Viacom company, which ultimately caved to pressure not to air the miniseries on Ronald Reagan, is strongly hinting that MoveOn.org's Super Bowl advertisement (referenced here) will not pass "standards and practices" and therefore will not air the advertisement during the Super Bowl.

Posted by chuck at January 14, 2004 8:19 PM

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