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January 8, 2004
Sharing Teaching Resources
In a recent entry, George proposes developing a collaboratively-authored blog for sharing resources for teaching English language and literature. George suggests that such a blog could function by the same logic as "open source" programming:
I'm not talking about software, mind you, but I'm agreeing with the assumption that the open source philosophy can be successfully applied to all kinds of projects. We're all going to be coming up with course materials anyway. Why not collaborate or at least share?The blog would allow teachers of literature (as well as film and other cultural studies topics) to share resources such as assignments and glossaries with their colleagues.
George offers a guide to the mechanics of quoting and paraphrasing soucres in MLA style and mentions Jack Lynch's Guide to Grammar and Style as resources that our students might find both useful and convenient. While chatting with George and Jason, I happened to remember Dino Felluga's very helpful Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. But instead of just accumulating resources, George's suggestion would allow teachers of English (again, loosely defined) to exchange and collaborate on course materials.
After receiving so many useful suggestions for supplementing my class discussions on Fight Club, I think it's a great idea, and I've already agreed to participate. If you're interested, go to George's blog and leave a comment. Also, spread the word by mentioning George's post in your blog so that other readers can find out about it.
Posted by chuck at January 8, 2004 7:46 PM
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