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November 23, 2003

Chemistry Online and Off

Jennifer Egan, author of one of my favorite recent novels, Look at Me, has an article in today's New York Times Magazine on the challenges and expectations associated with online dating. It's pretty interesting stuff with references to Spring Street, Match, and Friendster, and discussions of "serial dating" and deceptive profiles.

I've dabbled in the online dating scene a few times (I'm currently taking a break), so I'm always interested in articles that might tell me more about my habits. But I'm most intrigued by her interviews with "Regan," a technical writer living in Atlanta who uses Salon.com's dating service (part of the Spring Street network), in part because I think I may have dated her once. It would have been about a year ago, and there was no "chemistry" (Egan's subtle analysis of this online dating buzzword is one of the strongest moments in the article) so we never communicated after that first meeting. I'm not entirely sure that I'm remembering correctly which probably says something about my terrible memory or about my desire to be immortalized (however obscurley) in the New York Times.

Posted by chuck at November 23, 2003 12:32 PM

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I'm finding the article quite interesting article. Thank you for pointing it out.

Posted by: cheryl at November 23, 2003 1:32 PM

I hate when typos show up in my comments. Serves me right for not using the "preview" feature.

Posted by: cheryl at November 23, 2003 1:33 PM

I find typos in my comments (and often in my entries) all the time. I've become very lazy in proofing when I post things to blogs.

I liked the article quite a bit, thought it might be a good companion piece to "Look at Me," if I ever teach it.

I still want to unpack the concept of "chemistry" in a more systemtaic way, but that will have to wait until I get through the semester.

Posted by: chuck at November 23, 2003 1:39 PM

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