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September 14, 2003


During a quick narcissistic Google search, I came across Localfeeds: Atlanta, which tracks and publishes any blogs located in Atlanta that publish an RSS feed and connect with GeoURL. So far, it looks like they've created "Localfeeds" for about twenty-five or thirty cities across the US, in Canada, and the UK. I have to admit it was a little strange to see material from my blog in this other space, but it's interesting to see yet another mechanism for connecting blogs associated with a specific geographic space (such as AtlantaBlogs). I know there's an intriguing connection between the somewhat abstract space of the blog and this tendency to identify with a specific place in one's blog, but that connection is escaping me right now, just beyond my reach. I'll have to put that on the list of things to think about when I have time (with student papers coming in tomorrow, no promises).

Meanwhile, when I was checking out LocalFeeds, I also had the good luck of coming across a blog authored by a member of Magnapop, a band I really like that has local ties.

Posted by chuck at September 14, 2003 9:47 PM

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Good finds, Chuck. The Magnapop blog goes back three years!

Posted by: George at September 14, 2003 10:12 PM

Yeah, that was one of the details that intrigued me most. I think the author of the blog may be relatively new to the band, but I can't quite work through the chronology (I'm pretty tired--I read Bolter's "Writing Space" cover-to-cover today). But Magnapop put on one of the better shows I've seen since I came back to Atlanta last summer.

Posted by: chuck at September 14, 2003 10:26 PM

You're right, Chuck. I'm new to the band. I joined shortly before that show you saw last year. Magnapop hadn't played in about 6 years and decided to get together for the fun of it. Well, it went so well they decided to keep playing and I've tagged along ever since. We had a great 2 week tour of Holland earlier this year and are doing some recording soon. Maybe I'll see you at a few of our upcoming shows. Thanks for checking out my blog. Oh yeah, and not to confuse anyone, but I go by "Tim" on themuy.com. Don't ask why.

Posted by: Brian at September 15, 2003 10:41 AM

Thanks for stopping by--I certainly enjoyed reading your accounts of the Holland tour, and I'm happy to hear that you're recording. I'll certainly try to catch one of your upcoming shows in Atlanta.

Posted by: chuck at September 15, 2003 11:16 AM

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