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September 11, 2003
The Time Traveler's Wife
Just because my last entry was a bit melancholic, I wanted to quickly add that I came across this new novel, The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger, the other day. Instead of focusing on the first-person account of a time traveler, we get the observations of his wife. In this scenario, the Traveler has no control over his movements in time, while his eventual wife moves in "normal" chronological, linear time (which of course implies that she doesn't really control her temporal movements either). It sounds like an interesting experiment, one that I often thought would be interesting to read when I was writing my dissertation. Too bad I never thought to actually write it. Word on the street (or at least in Entertainment Weekly) is that the book will soon be made into a film, with Brad Pitt slated to produce and star.
Posted by chuck at September 11, 2003 12:51 PM
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Funny, the theme I've chosen on my site I designed www.BrainChannels.com, is about transcending time among many other things. I've done plenty of reading about time travel and came to the conclusion the human mind is a kind of time machine. Not only does it encompass the metaphor of a time machine, having evolved for millions of years, even having the "reptilian" elements of our lower primative brain centers, but we can use our memories as such to travel back and forth through time to reexperience things that is a form of time travel. Whenever I hear a song (that has elements of time and rhytem) I am immeidately transported back to that time period.
I also did a web site on the teen star actress Kristy McNichol (Family and Empty Nest + films) and felt that she had been through so many incarnations as an actress from 7 and up, and had some unique characteristics in her career and that I felt she transcended time and so I dedicated a web page and site to her.
"Kristy McNichol's Flowing Evolution Transcends Time" http://www.brainchannels.com/latest/kristymcnichol2.html
The web site I developed on her is at
She has been retired for 12 years now. Maybe it was her destiny to reemerge take a role in the upcoming movie they are doing in thos book.
Posted by: Cheryl Merrill at September 18, 2003 1:14 AM
Just wondering, Cheryl's reference to human mind and time machine made me think of
Douglas Adams
and if she is refering to mind as distinct from brain. The human mind can be approaced as a cultural construct organized through intersubjective transactions i.e. mind has a social dimension.
Posted by: Francois Lachance at September 18, 2003 9:36 AM
Cheryl: I have only had a chance to briefly galnce at your website: it looks quite interesting & I like how you use the dissolve technique between pages, replicating the cinematic dissolve to show the passage of time.
I tend to share Francois's position that mind is a social construction. In my writing, I usually read time travel as metaphorical rather than actual. I'm about to teach, so I can't develop this comment as deeply as I'd like. That's typical of the blog medium, of course: quick, fleeting comments...
Posted by: chuck at September 19, 2003 12:50 PM