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August 23, 2003

Blogs in the Classroom

I just finished my first week of teaching here at Georgia Tech, and not surprisingly, I'm pretty exhausted. I always forget how much energy preparing for and teaching three classes requires. As promised, I've linked to my course blog (with student links in the blogroll). Perceptive readers will note that I stole the title for my course from George, who borrowed it from Samuel Richardson.

So far, most of my students have expressed some enthusiasm despite this week's technological nightmares (viruses everywhere, server problems, that sort of thing), but this is my first experience using blogs in a writing course, so I'm not quite sure what to expect. Several of my students, some of whom have written in blogs or participated in bulletin boards seem to be pretty enthusiastic.

In my case, blogging will account for about 25% of the grade, with that grade divided between quantitative and qualitative (a reflective portfolio) measures. I'll set up a link to the course syllabus once I have it online (hopefully next week).

Posted by chuck at August 23, 2003 12:14 PM

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Hi Professor,

Rachel Lucas linked to your class' site. I wish I could have taken a class like you're offering when I was going through college.

I have one thing you might think of for your next class. Blog-city seems to be a lot easier, and its free too. Of course, I don't know if the techie stuff is part of the class.

Posted by: Tom the Friendly Ghost at August 29, 2003 2:16 AM

Thanks for the compliment on the course. Apparently I've unintentionally drawn a lot of attention to myself. I'll probably stick with Blogger this semester, but I'm thinking about experimenting with other blogging programs in the future. I'll keep it in mind.

Posted by: chuck at August 29, 2003 9:54 AM

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