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June 29, 2003
Lawrence v. Texas
Via Jennifer Klyse, (scroll down to June 26) more information about the recent SCOTUS decision overturning Texas' law banning same-sex sodomy, including the majority opinion (PDF), Justice O'Connor's separate ruling (PDF), and dissenting opinions by Justices Scalia and Thomas (both PDF).
In addition, a nice editorial from DailyKos arguing that this decision opens up the possibility for legalizing gay marriage. The reading of Scalia's emotional rant (about the "homosexual agenda"), er decision, helps illuminate this point nicely.
Posted by chuck at June 29, 2003 2:12 PM
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I heard about this madness too.. my favorite part was watching the news and hearing some old guy rant about how the overturning of the sodomy laws opened the opportunities for orgies up. Yeah, that was great. He was just jealous because no one will invite him to one. ;)
Posted by: alianora at July 1, 2003 1:59 PM
That's what I've been thinking, too. Hopefully Frist's proposed *amendment to the Constitution* explicitly prohibiting gay marriage won't get very far. I don't think it has any real chance.
Posted by: chuck at July 1, 2003 3:52 PM